Felix Fein

Felix Fein


Felix focuses on Digital Health investment opportunities across Europe, while also keeping his eye on Consumer Tech and B2B SaaS

Felix completed his Master’s degree in Strategy and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business with an exchange semester at Chicago Booth.  

Before joining Speedinvest, Felix gained diverse experience in strategy consulting, an oil and gas corporation, and early-stage investing. Through this experience, he soon recognized that early-stage investing offered him the opportunity to support founders where it matters most. From then on, it was his passion.

Enthusiastic about the future and how humankind will solve its greatest challenges, Felix wrote his master thesis on “The Future of Meat.” 

In his free time, Felix adores the mountains, lakes and seas around the world. During summer, he enjoys hiking and sailing, while in the winter you can find him on skis or a snowboard. Felix is currently training to complete his first triathlon.

Felix Fein

Articles By

Felix Fein

Digital Health in Europe: A Record-Breaking Year for Founders & Investors in DACH
Digital Health in Europe: Southern Europe is Picking up the Pace

Felix Fein

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